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Consulate Bolivia in Germany Info konsulate.de

03.12.2024 21:04

You are here: Countries: Bolivien: Agencies in Germany, Contactinfo

Consulate Bolivia in Germany Info konsulate.de

 Honorary Consulate Bolivia (Bolivien), Frankfurt

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Did you know, that people must show a Travelhealth-Insurance when they apply to a Schengen-Visa?
Insurances for foreign Guest, for the Schengen Visa, for Aupairs, Language Pupils and Students, travel to the USA.
Click here for more Information and Online Conclusion of Contract

Address / Info

Honorarkonsul des Plurinationalen Staates Bolivien, Limburger Straße 42, 61462 Königstein

Telephone Number

(Honorary Consulate Bolivia (Bolivien), Frankfurt)

(06174) 201 60 20


(Honorary Consulate Bolivia (Bolivien), Frankfurt)

(06174) 201 60 28





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Information with Offices times are without Warranty!

Leiter: Herr Max Guillermo Langhorst (Honorarkonsul), Öffnungszeiten: Mo, Mi und Fr 9.00-14.00 Uhr. Konsularbezirk: Länder Hessen und Thüringen.


Citymap Frankfurt

Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Frankfurt
Botschaften in Frankfurt
Konsulate in Frankfurt

Kostenlose Info bei Änderungen

 Honorary Consulate Bolivia (Bolivien), Hamburg

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Did you know, that people must show a Travelhealth-Insurance when they apply to a Schengen-Visa?
Insurances for foreign Guest, for the Schengen Visa, for Aupairs, Language Pupils and Students, travel to the USA.
Click here for more Information and Online Conclusion of Contract

Address / Info

Honorarkonsul des Plurinationalen Staates Bolivien, Regus DoppelX (2. OG, Empfang Aufgang B), Heidenkampsweg 58, 20097 Hamburg

Telephone Number

(Honorary Consulate Bolivia (Bolivien), Hamburg)

(+49 40) 226 163 771


(Honorary Consulate Bolivia (Bolivien), Hamburg)

(+49 40) 226 163 774





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Information with Offices times are without Warranty!

Leiter: Herr Rolando Haches Sanchez (Honorarkonsul), Konsularbezirk: Länder Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen und Schleswig-Holstein. Öffnungszeiten Dienstag und Donnerstag 10:00-15:00 Uhr.


Citymap Hamburg

Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Hamburg
Botschaften in Hamburg
Konsulate in Hamburg

Kostenlose Info bei Änderungen

 Honorary Consulate Bolivia (Bolivien), München

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Did you know, that people must show a Travelhealth-Insurance when they apply to a Schengen-Visa?
Insurances for foreign Guest, for the Schengen Visa, for Aupairs, Language Pupils and Students, travel to the USA.
Click here for more Information and Online Conclusion of Contract

Address / Info

Honorarkonsul des Plurinationalen Staates Bolivien, Effnerstraße 46, 81925 München

Telephone Number

(Honorary Consulate Bolivia (Bolivien), München)

(089) 997 392 27


(Honorary Consulate Bolivia (Bolivien), München)

(08158) 25 85 19





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Information with Offices times are without Warranty!

Leiter: Herr Richard K. Freiherr von Rheinbaben (Honorarkonsul). Konsularbezirk: Freistaat Bayern und Land Baden-Württemberg. Öffnungszeiten Mo, Mi und Fr 9.00-14.00 Uhr.


Citymap München

Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in München
Botschaften in München
Konsulate in München

Kostenlose Info bei Änderungen

 Honorary Consulate Bolivia (Bolivien) - Linz, Österreich

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Did you know, that people must show a Travelhealth-Insurance when they apply to a Schengen-Visa?
Insurances for foreign Guest, for the Schengen Visa, for Aupairs, Language Pupils and Students, travel to the USA.
Click here for more Information and Online Conclusion of Contract

Address / Info

Honorarkonsulat Bolivien, Niederbairingerstraße 36, 4203 Altenberg bei Linz, Austria / Österreich

Telephone Number

(Honorary Consulate Bolivia (Bolivien) - Linz, Österreich)

(+43) (0) 7230) 87 77


(Honorary Consulate Bolivia (Bolivien) - Linz, Österreich)

(+43) (0) 7230) 87 77





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Information with Offices times are without Warranty!

Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung. Zuständig für Oberösterreich


Citymap Linz

Botschaften in Linz
Konsulate in Linz

Kostenlose Info bei Änderungen

 Austrian Consulate General in La Paz - Bolivia (Bolivien)

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Did you know, that people must show a Travelhealth-Insurance when they apply to a Schengen-Visa?
Insurances for foreign Guest, for the Schengen Visa, for Aupairs, Language Pupils and Students, travel to the USA.
Click here for more Information and Online Conclusion of Contract

Address / Info

Honorargeneralkonsulat von Österreich, Calle Montevideo 130, Edificio Requima, Piso 6, La Paz, Bolivien / Bolivia (Postadresse: Casilla 270, La Paz, Bolivien)

Telephone Number

(Austrian Consulate General in La Paz - Bolivia (Bolivien))

(00591 2) 24 42 094, (00591 2) 24 42 075, (00591 2) 21 16 509


(Austrian Consulate General in La Paz - Bolivia (Bolivien))

(00591 2) 24 42 035





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Information with Offices times are without Warranty!

Mit Passbefugnis. Öffnungszeiten Mo-Fr 14.30-16 Uhr. Konsularbezirk Bolivien mit Ausnahme von Departamento Santa Cruz


Citymap La Paz

Kostenlose Info bei Änderungen

 Austrian Honorary Consulate in Santa Cruz - Bolivia (Bolivien)

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Did you know, that people must show a Travelhealth-Insurance when they apply to a Schengen-Visa?
Insurances for foreign Guest, for the Schengen Visa, for Aupairs, Language Pupils and Students, travel to the USA.
Click here for more Information and Online Conclusion of Contract

Address / Info

Honorarkonsulat von Österreich, Calle Taperas 27, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivien / Bolivia

Telephone Number

(Austrian Honorary Consulate in Santa Cruz - Bolivia (Bolivien))

(00591 3) 33 44 402


(Austrian Honorary Consulate in Santa Cruz - Bolivia (Bolivien))






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Information with Offices times are without Warranty!

Ohne Passbefugnis. Öffnungszeiten Mo+Mi+Fr 14-15 Uhr. Konsularbezirk: Departement Santa Cruz.


Citymap Santa Cruz

Kostenlose Info bei Änderungen

 Consulate General Bolivia (Bolivien) - Genf, Schweiz

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Did you know, that people must show a Travelhealth-Insurance when they apply to a Schengen-Visa?
Insurances for foreign Guest, for the Schengen Visa, for Aupairs, Language Pupils and Students, travel to the USA.
Click here for more Information and Online Conclusion of Contract

Address / Info

Consulat général de la République de Bolivie, Rue de Lausanne 72, Ingreso Rue Rothschild 50, 1202 Genève, Schweiz / Switzerland

Telephone Number

(Consulate General Bolivia (Bolivien) - Genf, Schweiz)

(+41) (0) 22 731 71 89


(Consulate General Bolivia (Bolivien) - Genf, Schweiz)






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Citymap Genf

Botschaften in Genf
Konsulate in Genf

Kostenlose Info bei Änderungen

 Swiss Consulate in Cochabamba - Bolivia (Bolivien)

- Anzeige -
Did you know, that people must show a Travelhealth-Insurance when they apply to a Schengen-Visa?
Insurances for foreign Guest, for the Schengen Visa, for Aupairs, Language Pupils and Students, travel to the USA.
Click here for more Information and Online Conclusion of Contract

Address / Info

Konsulat der Schweiz, Consulado de Suiza, Psje. Guadalquivir # 339, entre c/Trinidad y Av. G. Villarroel, Cochabamba, Bolivien / Bolivia

Telephone Number

(Swiss Consulate in Cochabamba - Bolivia (Bolivien))

(00591 44) 522 381


(Swiss Consulate in Cochabamba - Bolivia (Bolivien))






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Citymap Cochabamba

Botschaften in Cochabamba
Konsulate in Cochabamba

Kostenlose Info bei Änderungen

 Swiss Consulate in Santa Cruz - Bolivia (Bolivien)

- Anzeige -
Did you know, that people must show a Travelhealth-Insurance when they apply to a Schengen-Visa?
Insurances for foreign Guest, for the Schengen Visa, for Aupairs, Language Pupils and Students, travel to the USA.
Click here for more Information and Online Conclusion of Contract

Address / Info

Konsulat der Schweiz, Consulado de Suiza, Calle Los Gomeros No. 98, Barrio Sirari, Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Telephone Number

(Swiss Consulate in Santa Cruz - Bolivia (Bolivien))

(00591 33) 435 540


(Swiss Consulate in Santa Cruz - Bolivia (Bolivien))






More Info



Citymap Santa Cruz

Kostenlose Info bei Änderungen


 More Informations
Embassies and Consulates
Bolivian diplomatic Missions in Germany
German diplomatic missions in Bolivia

Visa Application Form Bolivien

Insurances Bolivien

More Information
Map Bolivien
National Flag Bolivien
Yellow Maps Bolivien
Telephone Book Bolivien
Facts about Bolivien

More Countries beginning with B
Country-List B

 Tips- Ads -

Insurances for
Aupairs, visitors / guests, Students, Travelers, travel to the USA

Express-Visa (auch für die USA!)

Free Information Greencard USA -Living and Working in America

Informationsite about Bolivia. This Site includes only the Address .

More Information you will find on the Konsulate.de-Homepage.

Data and Facs about Bolivia you can find here (click opens a new browser window).

All Data without guarantee! We do not take reponsibility for external Links. If you find a error in this information, please write a short message with the email form what you can find here. Thank you.

More Embassies (Contactdetails, Opening hours and more):
Embassy Bahamas
Embassy / Missions of Bahamas in Nassau, Zürich, Chesterfield, Berlin, Kingston, Frankfurt
Embassy Bahrain
Embassy / Missions of Bahrain in Manama, Genf, Berlin
Embassy Bangladesh
Embassy / Missions of Bangladesh in Dhaka, Genf, Berlin, Bremen, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Hamburg, München, Potsdam
Embassy Barbados
Embassy / Missions of Barbados in St. Thomas, Wien, Bridgetown, Brüssel, Leonberg, München, St. Michael
Embassy Belgium
Embassy / Missions of Belgium in Brüssel, Antwerpen, Bern, Genf, Basel, Lugano, Neuchâtel, Sankt-Gallen, Zürich, Eupen, Gent, Lüttich, Namur, Ostende, Wien, Graz, Innsbruck, Linz, Salzburg, Berlin, Köln, Aachen, Dresden, Duisburg, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover, Kiel, München, Stuttgart, De Haan, Hasselt, Schilde
Embassy Belize
Embassy / Missions of Belize in Kingston
Embassy Benin
Embassy / Missions of Benin in Cotonou, Genf, Wien, Berlin, München, Saarbrücken
Embassy Buthan
Embassy / Missions of Buthan in Genf, Bietigheim-Bissingen, Bonn, Alzenau
Embassy Bosnia Herzegovina
Embassy / Missions of Bosnia Herzegovina in Sarajewo, Bern, Banja Luka, Wien, Graz, Berlin, Bonn, München, Stuttgart
Embassy Botswana
Embassy / Missions of Botswana in Gaborone, Wien, Brüssel, Hamburg, Ratingen, Maun
Embassy Brasilia
Embassy / Missions of Brasilia in Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Joinville, Manaus, Porto Alegre, Recife, Salvador, Bern, Zürich, Genf, Treze Tilias, Fortaleza/Ceará, Vitória, Wien, Linz, Innsbruck, Graz, Hard, Salzburg, Berlin, Frankfurt, München, Aachen, Bremen, Hamburg, Hannover, Nürnberg, Stuttgart, São Paulo, Belém, Blumenau, Cuiabá, Ribeirão Preto SP, Rolandia, Santos SP, Wiesbaden
Embassy Brunei
Embassy / Missions of Brunei in Bandar Seri Begawan, Berlin, Bandar seri begawan, Mörfelden Walldorf
Embassy Bulgaria
Embassy / Missions of Bulgaria in Sofia, Bern, Wien, Salzburg, Berlin, Hamburg, München, Frankfurt, Koblenz, Magdeburg, Stuttgart, Bonn, Warna
Embassy Burkina Faso
Embassy / Missions of Burkina Faso in Zürich, Wien, Innsbruck, St. Pölten, Berlin, Bad Malente, Hannover, Mainz, Potsdam, Ouagadougou
Embassy Burundi
Embassy / Missions of Burundi in Bujumbura, Genf, Berlin, Stuttgart

Other Information about the topic on this page

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Bolivien Konsulat in Deutschland
Consulate bolivia in Germany Konsulate des Landes in englischer Sprache
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Telefonbuch Bolivien
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Auf Konsulate.de: Konsulate Bolivien - Botschaften Bolivien - Vertretungen Bolivien - Fremdenverkehrsämter Bolivien - Visum Bolivien - Nationalflagge Bolivien - Reiseversicherung für Bolivien - Krankenversicherung für Besucher aus Bolivien und anderen Länder, in anderen Sprachen ausgedrückt... embaixada, asuntos consulare, honorarios, Ambassade, consulado, consulados, consules honorarios, embajada sowie vieles mehr.

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