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Region Asia/Asien - Last changes in Database: 19 January 2025 Offical Name: Chung-hua Jen-min Kung-ho-kuo
 Did you know, that people must show a Travelhealth-Insurance when they apply to a Schengen-Visa?
Insurances for foreign Guest, Aupairs, Language Pupils and Students.
More Informations
Info Chinese Agencies in Germany, German Agencies in China
Agencies of this country in Germany:
Embassy: Berlin Off-Site location of embassy: Bonn Consulate General: Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, München
German agencies in this Country: German Embassy: Beijing German Vice Consulate: Chengdu, Guangzhou, Hongkong, Shanghai, Shenyang
Other Information: Tourist office: Internet Communities: Internet Tourist office: Frankfurt Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Internet Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in : Internet Diplomatic Missions china worldwide: Internet Study in china Info: Internet Newspapers in china Info: Internet
Embassy China, Berlin | Embassy China, Berlin Address / Info Botschaft Volksrepublik China, Märkisches Ufer 54, 10179 Berlin (Adresse der Konsularabteilung: Brückenstraße 10, 10179 Berlin) Kurzinfo Telephone (Embassy China, Berlin) 030-27 58 80 (Konsularabteilung / Visastelle: 030 - 27 588 572)
Fax (Embassy China, Berlin) 030-27 58 82 21 (Konsularabteilung / Visastelle: 030 - 27 588 520)
Website de.china-embassy.org/det/
Information about the Embassy China in Berlin Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Leiter: S.E. Herr Deng Hongbo (außerordentlicher und bevollmächtigter Botschafter). Bürozeiten der Konsularabteilung: Mo-Fr 9-12 Uhr.
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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Berlin Botschaften in Berlin Konsulate in Berlin
Off-Site location of embassy China, Bonn | Off-Site location of embassy China, Bonn Address / Info Aussenstelle der Botschaft der Volksrepublik China, Kurfürstenallee 12, 53177 Bonn Kurzinfo Telephone (Off-Site location of embassy China, Bonn) (0228) 943 737 78
Fax (Off-Site location of embassy China, Bonn) (0228) 355 950
Information about the Consulate China in Bonn Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Montag bis Freitag 08:30-12:30 Uhr sowie 14:00-17:00 Uhr.
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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Bonn Botschaften in Bonn Konsulate in Bonn
Consulate General China, Düsseldorf | Consulate General China, Düsseldorf Address / Info Generalkonsulat der Volksrepublik China, Schanzenstraße 131, 40549 Düsseldorf Kurzinfo Telephone (Consulate General China, Düsseldorf) (0211) 542 819 63
Fax (Consulate General China, Düsseldorf) (0211) 542 819 61
Information about the consulate China in Düsseldorf Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Konsularbezirk: Land Nordrhein-Westfalen. Öffnungszeiten Montag - Freitag 09.00-12.00 sowie 13.00-18.00 Uhr. Leiter: Herr Herr Chunguo Du (Generalkonsul)
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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Düsseldorf Botschaften in Düsseldorf Konsulate in Düsseldorf
Consulate General China, Frankfurt | Consulate General China, Frankfurt Address / Info Generalkonsulat der Volksrepublik China, Stresemannallee 19-23, 60596 Frankfurt am Main Kurzinfo Telephone (Consulate General China, Frankfurt) (069) 750 855 21
Fax (Consulate General China, Frankfurt) (069) 750 855 10
Email frankfurt_konsular@mfa.gov.cn
Information about the consulate China in Frankfurt Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Fr 9-12 Uhr, Amtsbezirke: Hessen, Baden-Württemberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland. Leiter: Herr Yiyang Huang (Generalkonsul)
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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Frankfurt Botschaften in Frankfurt Konsulate in Frankfurt
Consulate General China, Hamburg | Consulate General China, Hamburg Address / Info Generalkonsulat Volksrepublik China, Elbchausse 268, 22605 Hamburg Kurzinfo Telephone (Consulate General China, Hamburg) 040-8227 6013
Fax (Consulate General China, Hamburg) 040-8 22 6231
Email chinaconsul_ham@mfa.gov.cn
Information about the consulate China in Hamburg Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Leiter: Herr Wu Cong (Generalkonsul). Sprechzeiten der Visaabteilung: Mo-Fr 9-12, nachmittags nach Vereinbarung, Konsularbezirk: Länder Hamburg, Bremen, Niedersachsen und Schleswig-Holstein.
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Ausländeramt / Ausländerbehörde in Hamburg Botschaften in Hamburg Konsulate in Hamburg
German Embassy, Beijing | German Embassy, Beijing Address / Info Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 17, Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100600. (Postanschrift: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, 17, Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100600,), People's Republic of China. Telephone (German Embassy, Beijing) (0086 10) 85 32 90 00
Fax (German Embassy, Beijing) (0086 10) 65 32 53 36
Email info@peking.diplo.de
Website www.peking.diplo.de
Information about the german Embassy in Beijing Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Amtsbezirk: Volksrepublik China. Konsularischer Amtsbezirke: Peking, Tianjin, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Qinghai, Gansu, Xinjiang, Tibet, Innere Mongolei, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hunan, Jiangxi und Shandong. Leiterin: Dr. Patricia Flor (Botschafterin)
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Botschaften in Beijing Konsulate in Beijing
German Vice Consulate, Chengdu | German Vice Consulate, Chengdu Address / Info Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Western Tower, 25th Floor, No. 19, 4th Section Renmin Nan Road, Chengdu 610041, China. Telephone (German Vice Consulate, Chengdu) (0086 28) 852 808 00
Fax (German Vice Consulate, Chengdu) (0086 28) 852 683 08
Email info@chengdu.diplo.de
Website www.chengdu.diplo.de
Information about the german Consulate in Chengdu Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Amtsbezirk: Provinzen Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan und die Stadt Chongqing. Leiterin: Silke Röfer (Generalkonsulin)
Botschaften in Chengdu Konsulate in Chengdu
German Vice Consulate, Guangzhou | German Vice Consulate, Guangzhou Address / Info Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, 14th floor, Teem Tower, 208 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou - 510620, China Telephone (German Vice Consulate, Guangzhou) (0086 20) 83 13 0000
Fax (German Vice Consulate, Guangzhou) (0086 20) 85 16 81 33, Visastelle: (0086 20) 85 16 84 59
Email info@kanton.diplo.de
Information about the german Consulate in Guangzhou Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Amtsbezirk: Provinzen Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan sowie das Autonome Gebiet der Zhuang-Nationalität Guangxi. Leiter: Jan Rudolph (Generalkonsul)
Botschaften in Guangzhou Konsulate in Guangzhou
German Vice Consulate, Hongkong | German Vice Consulate, Hongkong Address / Info Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 21/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Central, Hongkong. (Postanschrift: Consulate General of!the Federal Republic of Germany, United Centre, 21/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Central, Hongkong, China.) Telephone (German Vice Consulate, Hongkong) (00 852) 21 05 87 77
Fax (German Vice Consulate, Hongkong) (00 852) 28 65 20 33
Website www.hongkong.diplo.de
Information about the german Consulate in Hongkong Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Amtsbezirk: Hongkong sowie Macau (beides Sonderverwaltungsregionen der VR China). Leiter: Stefan Bredohl (Generalkonsul)
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Botschaften in Hongkong Konsulate in Hongkong
German Vice Consulate, Shanghai | German Vice Consulate, Shanghai Address / Info Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, 181, Yongfu Road, Shanghai 20 00 31, China Telephone (German Vice Consulate, Shanghai) (0086 21) 340 101 06
Fax (German Vice Consulate, Shanghai) (0086 21) 647 144 48
Email info@shanghai.diplo.de
Information about the german Consulate in Shanghai Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Amtsbezirk: Die regierungsunmittelbare Stadt Shanghai sowie die Provinzen Jiangsu, Zhejiang und Anhui. Leiter: Pit Heltmann (Generalkonsul)
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Botschaften in Shanghai Konsulate in Shanghai
German Vice Consulate, Shenyang | German Vice Consulate, Shenyang Address / Info Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Shenyang 21F CR Building, Qingnian Dajie 286, Heping District, 110004 Shenyang, China Telephone (German Vice Consulate, Shenyang) (0086 24) 83 89 91 00
Fax (German Vice Consulate, Shenyang) (0086 24) 83 89 91 99, (0049 30) 1817 672 63
Email info@shen.diplo.de
Website www.shenyang.diplo.de
Information about the german Consulate in Shenyang Information with Offices times are without Warranty! Leiter: Matthias Biermann (Generalkonsul). Amtsbezirk: Die Provinzen Liaoning, Jilin und Heilongjiang. Keine Erteilung von Visa.
Botschaften in Shenyang Konsulate in Shenyang
Ministry of Foreign Affairs China, Internet | Ministry of Foreign Affairs China, Internet Address / Info Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Website www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng
Information -
Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in China, Internet | Job Office (Employment)- Jobs in China, Internet Address / Info Unique Website for bilingual candidates & joint ventures Website jobchina.net
Information -
Tourist office China, Internet | Tourist office China, Internet Address / Info China National Tourist Office Website www.cnto.org.au
Information -
Communities China, Internet | Communities China, Internet Address / Info China Chamber of International Commerce Website www.chinachamber.org.cn
Information -
Diplomatic Missions china worldwide, Internet | Diplomatic Missions china worldwide, Internet
Website Diplomatic Missions china worl...
Information -
Study in china Info, Internet | Study in china Info, Internet Address / Info Englischsprachige Informationen zum Thema Studieren in China Website www.studyabroad.com/china.html
Information -
Newspapers in china Info, Internet | Newspapers in china Info, Internet Address / Info Umfangreiche englischsprachige Webseite zum Thema Zeitungen in China Website www.worldpress.org/newspapers/...
Information -
More Embassies (Contactdetails, Opening hours and more): Embassy Cambodia Embassy / Missions of Cambodia in Phnom Penh, Genf, Berlin, Starnberg Embassy Cameroon Embassy / Missions of Cameroon in Yaoundé, Bern, Bonn, Essen, Hanau Embassy Canada Embassy / Missions of Canada in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Halifax, Quebec, Winnipeg, Bern, Regina, Wien, Berlin, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, München, Edmonton, Prince George, St. John's Embassy Cape Verde Embassy / Missions of Cape Verde in Praia, Genf, Basel, Wien, Berlin, Dresden, Eschborn, Hamburg, Saarbrücken, Stuttgart Embassy Centralafrican Republic Embassy / Missions of Centralafrican Republic in Paris Embassy Chad Embassy / Missions of Chad in Wilhelmsburg, Brüssel, N'Djamena Embassy Chile Embassy / Missions of Chile in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, München, Bremen, Kiel, Stuttgart, Santiago de Chile, Antofagasta, Arica, Concepción, La Serena, Osorno, Puerto Montt, Temuco, Valdivia, Vina del Mar Embassy Colombia Embassy / Missions of Colombia in Berlin, Frankfurt, Bremen, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Bogotá, Barranquilla, Cali, Cartagena, Medellín, Möckmühl, Internet, Consulates, Internet, Embassies Embassy comoros Embassy / Missions of comoros in Paris Embassy Republic of the Kongo Embassy / Missions of Republic of the Kongo in Berlin, Dreieich, München, Pointe-Noire Embassy Democratic Republic of the Kongo Embassy / Missions of Democratic Republic of the Kongo in Bonn, Bremen, Düsseldorf, Kinshasa Embassy Costa Rica Embassy / Missions of Costa Rica in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Hannover, Leipzig, San José Embassy Ivory Coast Embassy / Missions of Ivory Coast in Abidjan, Bern, Zürich, Genf, Lugano, Wien, Berlin, Bad Homburg Embassy Croatia Embassy / Missions of Croatia in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, München, Stuttgart, Mainz, Zagreb, Split Embassy Cuba Embassy / Missions of Cuba in La Habana, Bern, Wien, Bonn, Berlin, Frankfurt Embassy Cyprus Embassy / Missions of Cyprus in Berlin, Hamburg, Bonn, Frankfurt, München, Nikosia, Limassol, Internet, Consulates, Internet, Embassies Embassy Czech Republic Embassy / Missions of Czech Republic in Berlin, Dresden, München, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Nürnberg, Rostock, Stuttgart, Prag
More Information: Embassy China, Berlin more Off-Site location of embassy China, Bonn more Consulate General China, Düsseldorf more Consulate General China, Frankfurt more Consulate General China, Hamburg more Consulate General China, München more German Vice Consulate, Chengdu more German Vice Consulate, Guangzhou more German Vice Consulate, Hongkong more German Vice Consulate, Shanghai more German Vice Consulate, Shenyang more
Info: Visa China, Consulates China, Embassies China, Discussion Board China.
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